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HIIT Workouts: A Better Version of You

High-Intensity Interval Training Will Make You Your Best Self Yet Do you want to be the best you can be? That’s what athletes ask themselves...

10 Tips When Picking Crossfit Gear

Picking Crossfit Gear When you first start Crossfit, the sheer amount of gear can be overwhelming. Which shoes should you wear? What kind of clothes?...



Tips for Dining Out During COVID-19

Tips for Dining Out During COVID-19 Restaurants have been significantly impacted by COVID-19. Perhaps more than any other industry, the restaurant industry has heavily felt...

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How Much Does Beyond Body Cost? Uncovering Its Pricing

Let's get it out there: you're considering signing up for Beyond Body but wondering how much it costs. Give it a read and find out...


The Best Workouts for People Who Hate Working Out

Good News for People Who Hate Working Out Because we are providing you workouts for People Who Hate Working Out. Exercising is one of the...

Beat The Weather: 5 Simple Workouts At Home

Simple Workouts. Performed Anywhere Do you really want to use the excuse that you can’t train because the weather outside is not cooperating? People often...

The Full Body Yoga Workout Routine For 20 Minutes

Yoga & Pilates Workout 101 Nothing better than eating healthy and exercising for serious results at home, right? Celebrity yoga instructor Kristin McGee’s simple yoga and Pilates...

Does Exercise Raise Blood Pressure?

Is Blood Pressure Rise During Exercise? As we've covered before on this site, there are many health issues related to having high blood pressure. Your...

The 10-Minute Beginner Workout

10 Minutes Is All You Need to Kick-Start Your Workout Regime In modern society, time is as precious as gold. Finding the time to exercise...
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Eggplant Pancakes Recipe This is the season to get some great-tasting eggplant. Hit up the farmers' market often. Then use your eggplant which has the phytonutrient...





Your Guide to Understanding Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics

Your Guide to Understanding Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics

Unlocking the Power of Gut Health In our increasingly health-aware society, gut health has risen to prominence as a key area of focus. Recent studies...
Women's Best Pre Workout

How to Build Your Fitness Business From Scratch

So, you’ve got the fire in your belly to start your very own fitness business from scratch? That’s awesome! Whether you’re into personal training,...
How to Reduce Inflammation in the Body

How to Reduce Inflammation in the Body

What is Inflammation? Inflammation is a fundamental biological response, akin to a fire alarm that goes off within your body to signal potential danger. When...
Online Vs. In-Person Certification Courses: Pros & Cons

Online Vs In-Person Certification Courses: Pros & Cons

So, you're thinking about diving into the world of certification courses, right? Well, let's talk about something important: the difference between doing them online...
Fasting and Gut Bacteria

Fasting and Gut Bacteria: Things You Need to Know

Intermittent Fasting: Impact on Gut Health and Overall Wellness Intermittent fasting is more than just a weight loss strategy; it's a lifestyle choice that can...

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